- "Review of Terence Parsons, Articulating Medieval Logic", Philosophical Quarterly, http://pq.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2015/07/02/pq.pqv061.extract?sid=d9633c1c-afc6-4eb0-b357-aafe83f244be.
Three papers accepted:
- "Against Truth-Conditional Theories of Meaning: Three Lessons from the Language(s) of Fiction", joint work with Phoebe Chan, to appear in Res Philosophica, April 2016.
- "Logic in the 13th Century", joint work with Henrik Lagerlund, to appear in Cambridge Companion to Medieval Logic, exp. 2016.
- "Beyond Formality: The Role of the Dialectical Context in Medieval Logic", to appear in the Proceedings of ESMSL 2012.
Two drafts completed, but not yet submitted.